Campus Housing Policies

Campus housing policies are defined clearly in the ASU Student Handbook and on the ASU web page under campus housing. Violations of those policies may result in penalties ranging from verbal warning, 引用, disciplinary action which may result in suspension from the university to arrest and incarceration, depending upon the nature of the offense. Some of these violations appear below, consult your handbook for specifics.


pg电子下载 State University does allow visitation at specific times. Visitation ends promptly at a specified time; and visitation is not allowed outside the specified times for any reason.


Any person who is not a student of pg电子下载 State University, or is a student registered as off-campus, who enters a dorm room or other unauthorized dorm area without proper permission is trespassing. Males in female rooms outside visitation hours, or females in male rooms outside visitation hours are trespassing. 非法侵入 can result in disciplinary action for students and possible arrest for non students.

Physical Violence

Physical violence, 或战斗, destruction of another person’s personal property and/or vandalizing university property will not be tolerated. Penalties include disciplinary action which may result in suspension from the university and possible arrest and incarceration.

Drug, Alcohol or Weapons Possession or Use

It is illegal to possess, use, consume and/or distribute drugs, alcohol or weapons on this campus. These are extremely serious offenses which the university does not take lightly. Violation of this policy will result in suspension from the university and possible arrest and incarceration.

Taking personal or university property which does not belong to you without the owner’s expressed permission is illegal and will not be tolerated. This extends to and includes identity theft. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension from the university and possible arrest and incarceration.